I hadn't picked up my camera in a week since I wasn't feeling well. My girls are a great way to get back at since they are my little beauties and are so good behind a camera. Enjoy our play time. :)
Friday, August 23, 2013
Fun With My Girls
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Senior Sessions
Are you thinking about senior portraits yet? Well, if you are in the Class of 2014 you should be! Most yearbook staff like them in by the end of September. This year I am offering a package that includes a print for Mom and Dad and a page of wallets to hand out. Please contact me for more information.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Calling All Expecting Families!
I had an epiphany today. I have been trying for quite sometime to figure out how I could use my skills not just for me but to help others. Well, today the light bulb came on! I was surfing facebook and a photographer that does amazing work in Oklahoma works with a crisis pregnancy outreach network and donates sessions to young ladies who choose adoption.
It was like being shown the perfect path.
But here is the hurdle I must climb first. I need to have a largely diverse portfolio before I can even approach the local crisis pregnancy centers to offer my services to those brave mommas who will be doing one of the scariest things in their life, raising a baby from an unexpected pregnancy.
Here is where you come in: I am offering my newborn sessions at $75 instead of the normal $100 while I build up my newborn portfolio. Spread the word! This is an amazing deal and it will only be around for a limited time.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Blueberry Pickin'
Well, my client ended up rescheduling our session today so I grabbed my big boy and went blueberry picking. It was so fun and just gorgeous out (though a bit on the hot side). Such a tasty and fun way to spend a morning out with my buddy.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Maternity Mini Session
This beautiful momma is more than special, she's my sister! These are her gender reveal photos AND her first baby bump shots. She's so stinkin' tiny still that it was a challenge to show she even has a bump. I just love how these came out and I hope you do too.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Eli is 4!
This handsome little guy is turning 4! He is busy busy busy! A real challenge to photograph but so much fun. Enjoy my favorites from our milestone session today.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Personal Project: Feeding Time!
I am starting work on a personal project all about feeding babies. I am looking for moms and/or dads feeding their precious little ones. Either by breast or by bottle. I will be offering all sessions for this personal project at a discounted price. If you are breast feeding don't worry about it "all hanging out" because that is not my goal. I wish to photograph the tender beauty of parents providing for and caring for their little ones. All photos will be done modestly and tastefully. If you are interested please contact me for more information.
bottle fed,
breast feeding,
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Curly Girly Piggy Tails
I have been waiting to put my daughter's hair into pig tails since before she was born! Now that I know she'll keep them in I do it every day and every time I see her I squeal from the absolute cuteness of it. Here's a little pig tail goodness that I just had to share.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Meet Mr. E!
I had the amazing pleasure of meeting this hunk-a-chunka handsome big boy. Such an adorable newborn. The rolls were just to die for on this fellow. Enjoy (and try not to get baby fever from this cutie pie).
Friday, May 31, 2013
Summer Fun!
We have been so busy that I have forgotten to post here so many times! I'll start with some summer fun we had today. So much joy! These people melt my heart every day.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Portfolio Building Sessions
I am finally to a point where I am getting excited to really start things seriously rolling. If you or someone you love is expecting soon please send them over to me. Sessions are 50% off. This is an AMAZING deal! My email is amandamorsephotography@live.com. You can also contact me through facebook.
All portfolio clients must sign a model release so I may use your photos publically. I come to either your home or the location of your choice (up to an hour away from Norwich CT). In the case of newborns, I use an in home studio set up.
mom to be,
portfolio building,
Friday, May 3, 2013
Apple Blossom
I just love apple blossoms. They are so delicate and yet are so pungent. They are pink when they bud but white when they bloom with the tiniest hint of pink on each petal. And of course, the promise of fresh from the tree fruit is always a huge plus. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.
apple blossom,
bumble bee,
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Color Inspiration: Apple Blossoms
This is the second post in my color inspiration series. This is the very first blossom on our apple trees this spring. We have twice as many this year. I love how the blossoms are such a vibrant shade of mauve but when they bloom they are almost entirely white. So soft and lovely. Feel free to share this photo on facebook/twitter/pinterest so everyone can have some inspiration.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Color or Black and White?
The big question: should I get color or black and white?
The answer: which ever you prefer!!! (I know, not helpful)
If I convert a photo to black and white I will try to always give you the color version as well. I'm a black and white lover from way back but I realize that not everyone feels the same way. That's why I offer both edits, so you can choose the one you prefer. After all, it's going on your wall, not mine.
PS - I do remove birth marks (like this little beauty's) but I prefer to embrace them. I feel they are what makes each of us unique and special.
black and white,
Friday, April 26, 2013
Fun in the Sun
I have to tell you, I love, love, LOVE the Clickin Moms workshops. This is an assignment that I did for the workshop I am currently in. If you'd like a sidewalk chalk session please feel free to contact me.
color inspiritation,
sidewalk chalk,
Monday, April 22, 2013
Meet Precious Miss C
I'd like to introduce you to the lovely little Miss C. She was WIDE awake for her whole session but was very content. Such a sweet girl and a wonderful, loving family.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Have you ever wondered why it takes your photographer a few days to get your photos back to you? Well, unlike instore portrait studios (that seem to be disappearing by the second) your independant photographer (like myself) takes the time to look at each photo and perfect it! Here is an example of one of my favorites of my 5mth old. While the straight out of camera (sooc) photo is ok the edit is way better.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Gerber Baby
I started Clickin Mom's 201 Beyond the Basics workshop today and this is shot #1 from that workshop. I'm so excited to expand my photography knowledge to provide you with a better product. Enjoy this lovely photo of my gorgeous girl.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Spring Family Fun
My family and I went on a lovely walk at the Devil's Hopyard yesterday. I thought I would share some photos from our visit. I hope you are enjoying spring where you are.
Color Inspiration Series
I got this awesome idea from Clickin Moms. I will occasionally be posting color inspiration photos now. So very neato!
Today's inspiration comes from the photo I named Tiptoe Through the Tulips.
Feel free to share and pin away! I'd be honored if you used it and linked a photo of use of this color palette in the comments.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Spring is in the Air!
I have been just dying for some warmer weather and though it was still chilly out today I just felt the need to get a colorful shot that would make me *feel* warmer. I just love how this came out. Anyone who knows me knows I adore purple so this is just perfect. Enjoy!
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